The "Detached Body" May Fly. Below is the tying sequence for this fly. materials :- Tail ~ pheasant tail, Body ~ foam sheet, cut thin, 1/16th ~ 1/8th strip, Wing ~ poly yarn or centre of mylar tubing, Hackle ~ grizzle, Rib ~ tying thread.
pierce foam in centre, place pointed end in vise.
thread p/tail through needle eye, leaving about 1/4" .
slide foam down over p/tail, carefully remove p/tail from needle, and adjust tail to length.
push needle through p/tail opening, from thick end, place in vise.
take tying thread and bind p/tail to needle, about 1/8th" ( too tight and body will not slide of needle, too loose..... )
pull forward both ends of foam, as picture. with thread facing you.
now make three turns round foam, then take thread through front of foam, hold back foam and take three-four turns round p/tail and needle, thread facing you, pull forward and repeat first tying. see next picture.
whip finish and trim loose ends.
reverse needle in vise, slide/ease body from needle, this is when you find out whether its too tight or too loose!
the finished body!
put hook in vise, and attach winging material making sure the "hackle pole" is slightly higher than the body thickness, for winding the hackle.
Attach body to hook by last segment with 2-3 turns,bring thread between wing and body and attach hackle, take thread in front of wing.
pull forward both sections of foam and attach in front of wing with 2-3 turns.
wind hackle round wing post, and lock with 2-3 turns, trim waste hackle, carefully!
with small-ish tubing finish with hitches, trim thread, apply varnish to thread. you should have something similar to last picture.